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Fadi Aljabour
Breathing inside your guts
How did we, humanity, arrive here? To such towering levels of cruelty and savagery?
How can human beings combine the most sacred with the most extreme animalistic savagery? And what is the form that could result from this compound?
Questions that haunt the artist Fadi Aljabour since his teens after watching the scenes of massacres on television,- and the very questions that are becoming increasingly urgent today. The inquiry deepens when searching for the nature of those who participate as individuals or groups in the making of these atrocities.
And in view of our human history, which is full of fierce events, in most times of wars and crimes, which are closely related to religious and national motives. The shock is exponentially increased, when one begins to consider those persons who may have lived with us, whose violent behaviours we could not predict.
Where did all this evil and brutality come from?
Is it, then, related to the true nature of human beings?
Is it about finding a society that accepts this evil?
Is evil an aberration or a reflection of who we really are?
If humanity is cruel, what then does it mean to be inhumane?
Breathing inside your guts
Fadi Aljabour
A project consisting of 10 sculptural works,4 of them are presented in Documenta 15
Breathing inside your guts
Breathing inside your guts I
Wood, artificial fur, acrylic, spray colors and oil pastel
230 x 160 x 43 cm
Breathing inside your guts
Breathing inside your guts III
Wood, metal, artificial fur, water, tar, acrylic and spray colors
240 x 235 x 223 cm
Breathing inside your guts
wood, metal, artificial fur, acrylic, pigment colors and rabbit-skin glue
240 x 225 x 70 cm
Breathing inside your guts
wood, oil and spray colors, artificial fur, textile, tar
240 x 120 x 40 cm
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